Mandi responds to the Progressive Coalition of Amherst questionnaire

Mandi responded to the wide-ranging questionnaire from the Progressive Coalition of Amherst, as they consider making candidate endorsements for the Town Council. Below are her answers. Have you accepted/will you accept endorsements from other groups? If so, please list the groups: Yes. I have a policy of responding to all endorsement surveys, which, as of … Continue reading "Mandi responds to the Progressive Coalition of Amherst questionnaire"

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Mandi submits her statement for the Town webpage

In an effort to provide a place for residents to find information about all candidates, Amherst’s charter requires the Town to publish candidate statements on its webpage. Below is the statement Mandi submitted: In my second term, I supported the Elementary School building project, major revisions to the rental permitting laws for safer rental housing, … Continue reading "Mandi submits her statement for the Town webpage"

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Amherst Forward endorses Mandi

In an announcement made today, Amherst Forward endorsed a number of candidates for Town Council and School Committee, and Mandi is excited to announce that she was one of them. Below is a part of their announcement: We’ve reviewed candidates’ answers to the questions we think are most important today. We’ve poured through their public … Continue reading "Amherst Forward endorses Mandi"

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A heartfelt thank you

As we begin another school year tomorrow, I send a heartfelt thank you to Ben Herrington, Allison MacDonald, and Peter Demling for their years of dedicated service on the Amherst and Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committees. Over their years of service, they have all demonstrated thoughtful and deliberative decision making, compassion for our students, and grace … Continue reading "A heartfelt thank you"

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Mandi responds to the Sunrise Amherst Endorsement Questionnaire

Sunrise Amherst is a local, youth led organization focusing on intersectional climate, racial, and economic justice, and enacting the Green New Deal. They asked an extensive set of questions. Below are my responses. What makes you an interested and qualified candidate?  I believe community service is important. I am motivated to serve on the Council … Continue reading "Mandi responds to the Sunrise Amherst Endorsement Questionnaire"

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Amherst Firefighters Local 1764 Endorse Mandi Jo for Town Council

The Amherst Firefighters Local 1764 have endorsed Mandi for Town Council: “Councilor Hanneke has been instrumental in assisting us in gaining much needed equipment through ARPA or ensuring funds are being secured for a new fire station. Ms. Hanneke has made the fire department a priority which benefits all residents and visitors of Amherst. We … Continue reading "Amherst Firefighters Local 1764 Endorse Mandi Jo for Town Council"

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Mandi Responds to the Amherst Forward Candidate Questionnaire

As with previous years, I will be posting my responses to any candidate questionnaires I receive and respond to. The first one up this campaign season is the Amherst Forward questionnaire. Role. Amherst has a 13-person Town Council that hires and works with a professional Town Manager (and, through the Manager, Town staff). What do … Continue reading "Mandi Responds to the Amherst Forward Candidate Questionnaire"

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Zoning proposal withdrawn with an eye towards the future.

Yesterday, Councilor De Angelis and I withdrew our zoning proposals that were aimed at creating more opportunities to adding missing middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, town houses, and converted dwellings). I learned a lot from the process and are grateful for the time Town staff, the Planning Board, and the Community Resources Committee spent reviewing it, … Continue reading "Zoning proposal withdrawn with an eye towards the future."

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