Progressive Coalition Shares Common Goals with Mandi Jo
While the Progressive Coalition of Amherst chose not to endorse me for this election, I am pleased to see that they appreciate my service to the Town and that they recognize we share some common goals. The goals we share include:
- A fiscally responsible and transparent Town government
- Well-researched and carefully-crafted planning and zoning policies
- Increasing affordable housing in Amherst
- Well-maintained roads
- Vibrant, walkable downtown and village centers that attract small businesses
- Thoughtful, well-informed, and fiscally-responsible funding of capital projects
- Achieving the Town’s Climate Action Goals
- Thoughtful implementation of re-imagined community safety programs
- Wage protections for workers (legislation which I sponsored)
If re-elected, I look forward to working with my fellow Councilors to meet these goals.
For further information, read my responses to the Progressive Coalition of Amherst’s questionnaire.