Amherst Forward Endorses Mandi Jo

Dear Mandi Jo,
Thank you for your willingness to serve our community. We applaud all candidates’ efforts to run for elected office in our town. This email is to inform you that Amherst Forward will be endorsing your bid for a town council seat in the upcoming election.
Our endorsement decisions were made considering several factors including responses to the candidate survey, interactions with community members, records of public service, and other public statements in matters that are important to voters.
Our foundational belief is that an equitable, accessible democracy needs diverse candidates with different perspectives, experiences, racial and social backgrounds.
If you would like, please feel free to share this endorsement widely. We will be promoting all candidates that we have chosen to endorse through emails, social media and press releases.
Thank you again for your efforts on behalf of Amherst.
Katherine Appy and the Amherst Forward Leadership Team