League of Women Voters’ Election Guide is now online!

Thank you to the League of Women Voters for continuing to publish their Election Guide as we transition to a new form of government. Below is the question asked of all Town Council candidate and my answer. You can find all candidate answers on the League’s website.

What are the three most important tasks to be accomplished by this first Town Council during its three-year term to ensure that the new town government gets off to a strong start?

I want Amherst to thrive in all aspects of government. The Town Council will have many more than three important tasks. But I believe the most important tasks are to (1) establish procedures that are open, transparent, timely, and inclusive to make certain resident perspectives are reflected in Council decisions; (2) create a process that achieves the goals of the Master Plan  in a responsible, coherent, and deliberate manner and embodies the vision of today’s residents; and (3) work with Town officials to improve Amherst’s infrastructure, including the elementary schools, all libraries, the downtown fire station, and the DPW building.